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Round-the-World Trip Statistics #01

10 Mar March 10

g_around_the_world_2It’s been 162 days since I started my trip in Canada back in September 2014 and so far I have spent 10.000€. Check out this insight to see where I left my money 🙂

A lot of people have asked me how much money I would spend on this trip. It was always hard to answer before I actually started, but now that I am on the road for nearly half a year and thanks to my neat little Excel sheet, I can now provide you with some information!

My total spendings so far add up to 10.130,13 €

This figure includes everything: food, accommodations, booked trips and all the rest like buying new shower gel or paying to get into a climbing gym. Whenever I spend money, I convert the local currency to Euros and add it to my Excel sheet. The biggest part of the above sum is my upcoming cruise to Antarctica in two weeks from now, so if you would remove that, it would come down to around 6.000 € for nearly half a year so far.

More interesting for you guys as fellow travelers yourself might be how much I actually spend on the food (including all sorts of drinks too) and accommodations in each country. The following stats will give you an insight on my spendings. Luckily, I was able to Couchsurf every single day in Canada, making the average spendings in North America look a bit low because it just reflects Mexico.

2015.03.10 - Stats 1

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Hope you liked that information, I will continue to gather the data in my lovely Excel sheet, haha.
Any help with my domain & travel costs by using Paypal or my affiliate links is very welcome 🙂

Posted by on 10th March 2015 in Around the World, News, Travel

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