German Section

The past, the present, and the future

30 Sep September 30

g_around_the_world_2Today is the beginning of a new chapter in my life. I quit my job, said good bye to friends and family in both Frankfurt and London and just arrived in Newfoundland, East Canada, starting my trip around the world for about three years. I also put up a small video clip showcasing how it all began back at the age of three 🙂

The Past

I always liked to provide some sort of entertainment, may it be through my past as a gamer or through my travel blog now. Without knowing, I actually started to entertain people while I was pretty young as well. Fortunately, my dad was there to capture little Chris on the camera and the below footage is a small collection of scenes that I enjoyed seeing after such a long time. It is in German, but do not worry – even Germans won’t be able to understand some of the stuff I was saying at the age of three. Some people might still be interested in how it all started, so I decided to put this little video up on my blog as well and maybe some might even find it entertaining 🙂

[ylwm_vimeo height=”390″ width=”540″]107598579[/ylwm_vimeo]

The Present

Right now I am sitting in Wade’s living room, typing this blog entry. Wade is my first Couchsurfing host here in Canada and he seems to be pretty amazing after just knowing him for about 20 minutes. Joining me on my hike along the East Coast Trail tomorrow, he will even have a spare tent for me! It’s pretty handy since I left mine at home, figuring that I already have enough to carry around (my heavy hiking boots, sleeping bag and sleeping mat).

I arrived here this morning at 10AM after departing Dublin at 8:20 AM with a 4 1/2 hour time difference. So while it is 15:47 in Canada right now, my body should actually be under the impression that it is 20:17. For some reason, I feel very fit and not sleepy at all, even though I spent a good portion of yesterday in a bus driving to Galway and the Cliffs of Moher, coming back rather late and only getting a few hours of sleep before heading to the airport at 5AM. I think a good nights sleep will be vital tonight to be ready for a few days of wild camping with Wade!

The Future

Well, the future… A lot of people asked me about how I am feeling now, looking ahead at about three years of traveling. For starters, I will not purely travel around but also have two cities in which I plan to stop for about half a year each: Cape Town and Sydney. The latter will probably turn out to be longer stop as I can not wait to get a nice house at the beach and if this really comes true, I will most likely stay a bit longer. For the more imminent future, I just have planned my Canada and Mexico trips so far and still need to look into the rest of Central and South america before I have to head down to the very south to catch my booked ship tour to Antarctica on March 25th. I am also planning to climb Aconcagua, the second highest of the seven summits, on February the 6th – so if anyone is interested in joining me for that, please let me know! 🙂


Regarding my blog, I will still try to produce content as I have done in the past but I also want to throw in some kind of weekly (short) updates about my status during the big trip. I am also planning to update my new Google Map overview and I will add the next destinations (yellow stars) as soon as I found some time to plan those. For now, I have to shift my attention on what lies ahead though and I will probably not have a lot of internet during that time: Exploring the great outdoors of East Canada! So long, take care and I hope you keep looking up my blog to virtually follow me!

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Any help with my domain & travel costs by using Paypal or my affiliate links is very welcome 🙂

Posted by on 30th September 2014 in Around the World, Travel, Upcoming, Video

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