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Montenegro Tower coming up soon – website is live!

Montegro Tower

You might have noticed that my travel blog here at Chris on Tour is pretty inactive, and there is a good reason for it! I am currently in the process of opening a Coworking space & live music bar called Montenegro Tower in the southern area of this beautiful, yet mostly undiscovered country at the Adriatic sea. Click on this news post for some more details and keep in mind that once the business is up & running smoothly, I plan to get back to traveling for around 4 months per year from roughly 2024 again! But for now, all of my focus is on the Montenegro Tower and perhaps some day you will come by and visit for a drink.

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Posted by on 14th August 2022 in Video, Montenegro Tower, News, Upcoming

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How much does it cost to travel the world? [Updated February 2022]

long term travel cost

📅 January 27th, 2022 ▶️ Hey guys! It is time for a brand new update on my travel cost Excel sheet. I have recorded a video for you as well to explain everything in detail and show you exactly how I use my Excel sheet to track everything. If you prefer to read up on the facts, check out the updated page below.


Posted by on 4th February 2022 in News, Costs

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German newspaper article about my travels

newspaper article

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Posted by on 25th January 2022 in News, External

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Montenegro Tower – Coworking space & bar

Montenegro Tower

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Posted by on 5th December 2021 in Montenegro Tower, News



Happy New Year & YouTube Update after 6 months

youtube update

Hope you all had a nice start to 2021! I just recorded this video a few minutes ago, providing you guys with a quick update on my progress here on YouTube after reactivating the channel exactly half a year ago. Let’s see what this year brings and when I will hit the 1000 subscribers! 😉

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Posted by on 1st January 2021 in Video, News

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How I plan to grow my YouTube Channel in 2020

how to grow a youtube channel

My YouTube Channel has been around for a while, but I got to admit that I have never taken it very serious – until now! Doing a bunch of research, I am laying out on how I plan to grow my YouTube Channel in 2020. From my currently 200 Subscribers, I am trying to reach 1000 until Christmas this year. By following 5 basic rules, I hope to achieve that goal. Do you think I missed something very important?

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Posted by on 30th August 2020 in Video, News, Travel

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My (interactive) Travel Show starts Monday!

travel show cover

Hello everyone and a very warm welcome back to Chris on Tour! It has been a long time since actively updating my travel blog, but with my second full time trip starting in October hopefully, I wanted to get my page back to life. Since I have built up a great audience on my Gaming Twitch channel “towertak3r” in the past year, I will use this platform to host an interactive travel show every Monday at 20:00 CEST! Check out this post for more details 🙂

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Posted by on 14th June 2020 in Travel, News, The Travel Show

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Merchandise live!


Following the “better late than never” approach, I am now selling T-Shirts, mugs and other products on below sites, using the default suggested pricing. Let me know which design you like most and leave some feedback in the comments 🙂

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Posted by on 4th April 2020 in News

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Upcoming: Faroe Islands

Cover new tripsMy next trip will be for my 35th Birthday and I can’t wait to explore this remote and utterly beautiful place: The Faroe Islands! Located between Scotland and Iceland in the middle of the ocean, this rugged small set of islands features some of the most amazing landscapes you will ever see.
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Posted by on 27th April 2019 in Upcoming, News

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Upcoming: Tunisia

Cover new tripsIncredible how quickly time flies by, reaching my one year anniversary in my new Job in London last week! Needless to say, I am using every single day of holiday for trips and will actually make it to my 104th country just before Easter: Tunisia! I am very much looking forward to spend some time in the Sahara desert after getting used to the city life again. Check out this post for a map of the trip.
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Posted by on 29th March 2019 in Upcoming, News

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