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New blog URL and Interview with Nomadic Matt

07 Jan January 07

2016-01-07_1946Hello everyone, it’s time to share 2 news with you! First, I have moved my blog away from the free site to And secondly, I was asked for an interview in the forum of what is probably the best known travel blogger on the planet: Nomadic Matt. Check out this post to find out more 🙂

After some stressful days with lost luggage here in Mumbai, I did now get it back finally and could catch up on some sleep. Before I will start my first ever hike in India to Fort Rajgad, I wanted to update you on my new blog. I really tried hard to get it out before my trip, but thanks to the crappy Export tool, it took me 2 full days of work to get everything imported to the new URL. Now I will have 15GB instead of 3GB storage space for my pictures and you will not see any Advertisement anymore. I will also be able to start updating my blog with new features, so I think that’s good news for everyone!

Oh, and I actually received 11,53€ in donations, thanks for the two people who supported me that way!!! If I will get some more, the next step will be an upgrade to Vimeo Plus to bring you all of my Videos in HD quality 🙂 Other than the new URL, I also moved my Travel Map to a new Page and replaced it with a map showing my current location as well as my latest uploaded video. So from now on, please only use the following URL and perhaps change your old WordPress subscription to the newly offered mail subscription on the right side of the page just above the search box:

It is also with great pleasure that I can let you know about my first ever travel-related interview! I am pretty used to give interviews from my gaming past as mTw-Tak3r, but within the world of online travel blogging, I am probably not known at all. So I was both happy and surprised when the guys over at Nomadic Matt hit me up and you can check out the result of the interview by clicking on the picture below. Have a good read!


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Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this post and would appreciate a comment below 🙂
If you want more, head over to my Travel Report page for full travel reports, or the Video and Photography pages if you are not in the mood for more boring text. And if you want to help me to upgrade my site, click on the link below for more information 🙂

Posted by on 7th January 2016 in External, News, Travel

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